Thursday, January 5, 2012

Service Learning

Where are you working for your service learning?
I am working with Mimi Orth, our school yearbook's Herff Jones sales representative. She comes to our campus ever other week for 2 hours at a time to check on our progress, most heavily with design, which is what I oversee.

What is your contact? 
Mimi Orth. She can be reached either by telephone or by email, which I provided in the beginning of the year. I'm not sure if it's an invasion of privacy to post her information here.

Summarize the services you have performed to complete the 10 hour requirement.
Mimi has visited on the following days (2 hours each day): 9/20, 10/14, 10/28, 11/10, 11/29, 12/9. Those days, she critiqued the progress I made with the design and basically used her expertise to guide me into the right direction. Most ofter times, she advised to completely rethink my original design and taught me new techniques in Photoshop and InDesign to utilize. I learned how to better edit photos and new spread shapes and "attention grabbers." On 10/16, I attended a workshop run by Mimi from 8AM to 3PM where she along with Paul Ender and Dan Austin consulted us on our design and our theme (this is where a lot of my designs died.) In all, I completed 19 hours of service learning.

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