Monday, September 26, 2011

Presentation Reflection

Q: In what way did the first interview affect your presentation? Please explain, be specific and use an example.

My interview with Cynthia made me realize the overall picture of what yearbook design really is; you're designing an entire book, not just page by page. I always saw yearbook design as the little details of each spread, but never as an entire look to a book. As a result of the interview, my idea for consistency came in because it's the key thing to the entire book's design. Also, in the interview, Cynthia mentioned that good staffs look to magazines as inspiration for design so that's where my visual and lesson came to play; I used magazines to point out good design since everyone reads magazines. It was sort of a way to ease everyone into yearbook by using a familiar example.

Q: What do you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?

I would say my visual was pretty much the only thing that stood out. I really integrated my visual; it wasn't just a prop that was there to look nice. It really helped lay down a foundation for my presentation, and since my project is about design, I couldn't simply just talk about it. Other than that, I really don't think my presentation went that great. I could've done better.

Q: What was the most challenging to do and why?

The biggest issue I have when presenting is that I psych myself out beforehand, making me blank out when I start presenting. I practiced, I knew what I was talking about, I knew my facts, I rehearsed every detail the night before, but then sitting in the classroom made my nerves build up. I tried to breathe and calm myself down but by the time I got up there, everything went over my head and I basically had to improvise. I don't know why I have this problem, since I'm comfortable with being in front of the class since I know everyone, but I just froze for some reason. 

Another issue was my pace of speech. I naturally talk fast, so with the time restriction, I pretty much accidentally pressed FFx6 during the presentation. And because I spoke too quickly, my mind couldn't keep up and I completely lost my thoughts and consequently said, "Umm... Uhhh... So yeah..." I mean, I recovered, but still saying that is no good.

I really think my grade suffered because of these.... Actually, now that I think about it, I think my nerves came because I was anticipating all this happening. Oh well, I guess this is just another thing for me to learn and work on for the 20 minute presentation. 

In summary, most challenging was coping with my horrible presentation skills. Why? What I stated above.

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